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Toluca Creatively Helps Animals in Need

During the month of August, the Toluca team undertook one of the most creative Community Outreach initiatives syncreon has ever been involved with.

Over the course of two weeks, team members designed and built dog houses to donate to Salva una Vida, a local canine adoption shelter and association.

In all, six unique houses were manufactured, all from recycled materials including wood and plastic, among others. To make things even more fun, the site held a contest to determine which of the little houses was most creative, awarding the winner.

The Salva una Vida shelter is currently home to 83 dogs waiting for someone to give them a better quality of life. The association stresses that people understand the meaning of adoption, sterilization and the responsibility involved in the correct care of animals.

This outreach activity is an amazing example of a unique way syncreon teams can give back and help others, whether the recipients have two legs or four.

Wonderful job team!

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